Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Κυριακή 1 Αυγούστου 2021

"Report Animal Abuse in Greece through an email"


        I will let you know about all the steps that are necessary to report an animal abuse case in Greece through an email, which will be sent from the Headquarters of Hellenic Police to the District Police Service. These Services will inform and demand from the local Police Department to do everything that is needed according to the Greek Law. This procedure concerns every animal and only cases about neglect where the animal is not in a great danger, because then only you have to call the "100" of Police Emergency (Amesi Drasi in Greek) giving your name and the exact address and wait for a police car to come. The call to the "100" has to be done either way. If you don't have a Greek number, try "+30100" or "112" and tell them to connect you to the Amesi Drasi. Then, you have to show the police officers the abuse conditions and after that, you have to go to the local Police Department and file a report or suit with someone who can translate, lawyer or other Greek citizen.
        Read carefully below and write the report through an email, as indicated:

-Title of the email: (Dog/Cat/etc Abuse in...(e.g. Athens, Kato Patisia)-Neglect

Describe the facts with little words and focus on:

-The Exact Region: where is the animal exactly, city, village, address, number, etc

-The Name of the Owner or the name at the doorbell of the apartment or the number on the car plates (if there is a car/moto/etc). If you don’t know the name of the owner, describe them as residents of the house, apartment, roof, etc, of that address

-Exact Place: balcony, front- & backyard, garden, pilotis, roof, etc

-Conditions: lack of accommodation/house or not suitable for the animal (very small, narrow, short, metallic, etc), chains, lack of or no suitable/filthy food/water, lack of veterinary care, exposed to weather conditions (rain, heatwave, snow, hail, etc), vaccination, everyday walks and exercise

-For how long is this happening? (permanently, occasionally, define days/weeks/months)

-Take Pictures: close and clear pictures, focus on the animal and its conditions, don’t take pictures of people and don’t post them or the exact addresess, attach the to the email

-Be kind and laconic

-Ask for a written answer via email that they have received your letter and write them that you want to be informed of their legal actions as the Greek Law 4830/2021 declares, if they have imposed fines or other penalties to the owner, according to the Law, if the animal (dog/cat) has microchip or informed health book for rabies vaccination since the last year and for other illnesses and if the animal has been de-fleaed.

The emails are three, as followed:

1. genast@astynomia.gr - Headquarters of Hellenic Police (in every email for every region in Greece)

Then, e.g.: for Attiki, Athens:
2. gada@hellenicpolice.gr (for the District Police Service of Attiki)

3. dadattikis@hellenicpolice.gr (for Western regions of Athens/Attiki)
3a. daatel@hellenicpolice.gr (for Central regions of Athens/Attiki)
3b. dabaa@hellenicpolice.gr (for Northern and Eastern regions of Athens/Attiki)
3c. danaattikis@hellenicpolice.gr (for Southern regions of Athens/Attiki)

***For other regions throughout Greece you have to change the 2nd and 3rd email according to the Hellenic Police site https://www.astynomia.gr/epikoinonia/genikes-astynomikes-diefthynseis/. For every help, please, feel free to contact me through my Facebook Page by sending message here: https://www.facebook.com/reportanimalabusegreece/

For Report Animal Abuse Greece,

Drivas Evangelos